Therapeutic massage improves the blood circulation and lymph flow, relieves muscle tension, improves and stimulates the work of the internal organs, restores metabolic activity, relieves pain and improves the psycho-emotional well-being of the patient. The reflex effect on the tissues and organs of the person in that results from rubbing, vibration or pressure by the “Healing Hands” of the master who uses various therapeutic classic methods and applies aromatic fragrance oils. not only improves and restores the physical condition of the patient, but also improves the quality of life.
Any type of massage – sport, medical, hygienic, cosmetic, lymphatic drainage, etc. is carried out individually if there is a certificate of health of the person from the family doctor.
Massage therapy – Not only a treatment process, but also rehabilitates the physical condition of the person of any age. The Therapeutic massage has no contraindications, and there are no restrictions for doing it. With its help, it treats all the diseases of the human body. The most ancient method of mankind – the “Healing Hands” – helps all people. No surgeries, no medicines, and no pain! Only Healthy Lifestyle!
(The duration of the massage is up to 1 hour).